The International Fancy Guppy Association
Dedicated to Promoting The Fancy Guppy Hobby
“All content and images on this site are for the exclusive use of the IFGA and IFGA Members and
are protected under the copyright law. It is not for use without express written permission.”

How Shows Work
This section provides basic information on how a guppy show works and what to expect when entering fish for your first show! If you would like to see results, or enter a show, please see our Shows section of the site.
Guppies are entered into a show based on color class in accordance to the IFGA standards for show guppies. You do not have to be a member of IFGA to enter a show, though it is encouraged if you would like points towards year end championships and the Master Breeder Title.
Showing is a rewarding experience that allows breeders to compare their skill in breeding to the standard for show guppies. It is a great experience for all ages and all levels of the guppy enthusiast.
Show Entry
You have two options when you enter a guppy show. You can be present at the show and bring your fish with you, or you can mail in entries. Time requirements for entries are listed in the show rules for each show in the show section.
You will need to download and fill out the IFGA Show Entry form and enclose it in your box or bring it with your entry to the show. Remember you must send or bring two copies of your entry form in with your fish to the show, return shipping labels if your shipped, entry fees(preferred by check), return postage if shipping, award requests, auction designation, and water level per bag instructions. Any special requests should be made to the show chairperson well in advance of shipping.
If you are shipping fish you will want to plan accordingly to ensure your fish arrive on time as required by the show rules. If shipping you will want to be sure you use a reliable shipper and plan the days out so the fish do not arrive later than Friday of the show week. You may choose to have the fish returned to you, or auctioned off after the show.
You will want to take care and use proper bagging and boxing techniques to ensure your fish arrive alive and in the healthiest condition possible. It is recommended that you not feed your fish 24 hours prior to shipping or bringing them to a show. This helps reduce waste in the shipping bag and on the show bench. Both can cause bacteria and stress on the fish.
You will also want to make sure all paperwork and payment for entries and return shipping and placed in a waterproof zip lock type bag placed at the top of the shipping box.
If you are bringing your fish to the show, de-benching times and regulations are listed in the show rules.
On The Show Bench
If you have mailed in entries, show officials will begin set up on Friday and begin the benching process. all shipped in entries should arrive by Friday. It is requested id your are shipping to a show to notify the show chairperson when you have shipped and the expected delivery date. Always ship to the designated address in the show rules.
Walk in entries may be brought to the show site on Friday or Saturday as desigated by the show rules and show schedlue. All entries will go through the check in process and will be benched by officials. Individuals may bring their own water to bowl their fish prior to benching.
Once entries are in and have been verified by officials the judging begins. The senior judge in attendance will assign the judging teams. It typically takes 3-4 hours to judge a show with 400-500 entries.
Each color class will receive 1st-4th in the class if entry numbers allow for it. As each class is judged, color dots will be placed by the judges on each entry that places and the first place fish from each color class will be taken over to the BOS bench.
1st place is a blue dot, 2nd place is a red dot, 3rd place is a green dot and 4th place is a yellow dot. 1st place winners in the classes are then judged for Best of Show.
Once this has been recorded and checked, the show portion of the day is complete and the socializing begins! Many clubs provide a hospitality room set up for members to socialize and celebrate our awesome hobby! Sometimes these are held at a club member's house where a fish room tour is also given.
Show awards for members in attendance are given out Sunday morning before the auction while members who mailed in entries will get them mailed to them.
Show Auction
Points Explained
Virtually every IFGA has an auction. Saturday night the host club will start to prepare for Sunday's auction. On Sunday morning guppies, aquarium goods and sometimes other fish will be brought in, processed and made available for viewing prior to the start of the auction. Auctions may have a pay at the end option, or may be set up so you pay as you go.
Questions regarding the auctions for a particular show should be made to the show chairman.
After The Show
De-benching will only be done by an official designated by the show chairperson at the time designated in the show rules. De-benching times are listed for each show.
All mailed in entries that are not in the auction will be processed starting early morning and prepared to ship home Monday morning. Show results along with a thank you note will be placed in the return boxes along with the fish. Awards will be mailed separately from the fish at the host club's expense.
Money for the auction will be tallied and shipped to the participants and show results send to the judging board chairman and webmaster to post as soon as possible.
We hope that this beginners guide will help to get you started on the right foot in our hobby. It is to your advantage to become a member of the IFGA and put into practice all of the techniques that have been mentioned in this section. In addition, try to join one of the sanctioned clubs. You will find that the interaction with other guppy enthusiasts will make this a more rewarding hobby. If you have any further questions or problems, contact one of the IFGA Officers or one of the club contacts of an IFGA Sanctioned Club. All of this info can be found through by following the links at the top of this page.